The aim of the Let’s Talk About Us project, funded by the European Union, implemented under the umbrella of the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation as the implementer and the “Youth Bank Hub for Western Balkan and Turkey” project in partnership with four different countries, aims to meet the young people who were born in Turkey and still live in Turkey. Bringing together young people who are refugees and asylum seekers; is to organize thematic meetings where young people will determine their subjects without prejudice and without stereotypes and to enable young people to develop themselves.
Bringing young people together in social activities as well as in thematic meetings is aimed to prevent social polarization, getting to know each other better and cooperating with each other. The project, which will start in September 2018, will continue for a year and at the end of the project, a stakeholder meeting will be held with decision-makers, NGO representatives and young people.
The Let’s Talk About Us project will continue between September 2018 and September 2019. Young people from Turkey and refugee/refugee youth will meet at thematic meetings every month. 10 young people from Turkey and 10 young refugees/asylum seekers will attend these meetings, they will exchange ideas about their problems and solutions, and at the end of each meeting, they will choose the topic of the next meeting. The meetings are open to the participation of other young people. This meeting requires the active participation of young people in group activities. In order to facilitate the meeting, a moderator and a reporter will be present at the meeting. In addition, social activities will be held with these 20 young people at regular intervals. At the stakeholder meeting to be held at the end of the project, the results, problems and solution proposals obtained in one year will be shared with the representatives of various institutions.