Based on its years of experience in promoting intercultural dialogue and equality and educating young people as actors of change for a peaceful, progressive and sustainable future, Renaissance Institute has adapted and strengthened its strategy to respond to the urgent global issues in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Within the scope of this overall strategy, Renaissance Institute aims to act and advocate for a sustainable world by educating and mobilising young people to put an end to the selfish and greedy practices and use of resources by any other actors of influence and to support collaborative action aiming for the benefit of all current and future generations and of the earth and ecosystem based on common sense. RI will do this through tailored activities along its three main strategies in the areas of digital transformation and science, climate action and circular economy, and active and healthy lifestyles. While bringing together diverse groups around these strategic aims, all these activities will continue to be grounded on our core values of human dignity, human rights, democratic participation, freedom of expression, as well as equality and respect for all regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, health or any other status.
1.Digital Transformation and Science
Digital Transformation and Science objective is linked with the challenge of preparing young people for digital transformation by increasing their competencies in using information technologies for learning and following up new technologies such as blockchain, AI, VR/AR. This objective engage young people by promoting the use of innovative and alternative forms of democratic participation. This objective is highly related to SDG9 (INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE Goal) by the UN. We collaborate with local communities, municipalities, local companies, and local scientists through the digital community of practices to highlight inventions to spark interest, awaken curiosity and motivate the young people, trainers, companies, and members of local communities to promote the development of science education for all citizens. we engage young people in different science activities which open pathways to careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics fields.
2.Climate Action and Circular Economy
Climate Action and Circular Economy objectives are linked with overcoming environmental challenges through our activities with sharing information regarding green technologies such as wind energy, battery energy storage, bioenergy, composting, solar water pumps, household biogas digesters is in our strategy, regenerative agriculture, permaculture design and safeguard to cultural and natural heritage. We aim to enhance skills for living in a harmony with nature by promoting the resilience of our neighbourhood for the causes of climate change. This objective is highly related to the UN’s SDG11 (SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES Goal), SDG12 (RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION Goal), SDG13 (CLIMATE ACTION Goal), and SDG15 (LIFE ON LAND Goal) by the UN.
We would like to increase awareness about the functioning of nature and approaches to sustainable transformation, as well as nature literacy. This objective contribute to the awareness of our footprint and take steps together to reduce the damage we cause to the world and nature by learning from nature and living peacefully with it through promising approaches such as permaculture movement and circular economy.
3.Active Quality Living Research Guidance
Active Quality Living Guidance objective is linked with our strategy the handling health-related issues. We aim to promote health-enhancing physical activity for quality living through research and training to increase awareness about active living.
This objective is highly related to the UN’s SDG3 (GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING Goal) and SDG4 (QUALITY EDUCATION Goal). We would like to promote independent, active and healthy lifestyles within and outside the working environment through creating an Active Quality Living Social Areas Network (AQLAN). We increase awareness about the health impact of physical activity. Educational activities involve physical activities for overcoming mental health issues such as high stress, anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses. This include resources, games and lessons that support the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.

As a computer engineer, researcher, educator and nature advocate Özgür Yaşar Akyar is passionate about improving the quality of life of individuals. He is currently working at Hacettepe University where he conducts research on digital storytelling, teacher education, inclusive education and blockchain for smart learning. He has produced several scientific articles and book chapters.
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