Save the Children Romania Organization and Activities with Ukrainian Children

The internationally operating “Save the Children” organization was established to help children in need. “Save the Children Romania” is one of the 120 participating associations that make up this organization. Andrei Seitan is the coordinator of this association. At the school, activities are organized from 10 am to 1 pm for 4 days a week for children aged 4-7 who escaped with their families from the Ukrainian war. These events are held informally for now. This formation will end on September 2 and then on September 5, activities for children will continue formally. Lena, who is currently taking care of 20 Ukrainian children in total, is also Ukrainian. He used to work as an art teacher in Ukraine. Now, she helps children to grow up well by playing games and painting with children who speak the same language at school.

Posted in Events.

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