Key Action 1 Project: Youth Mobility – Globalisation vs. Cultural Diversity
Project summary:
The ERASMUS + KA1 Project called “Globalization vs. Cultural diversity ” has been approved by the Greek National Agency with contract number 2017-2-EL02-KA105-003382 and is organized, coordinated and will be implemented by ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SOCIAL ECONOMY GROUP (E.K.O.). The project will take place in Athens, Greece from 23 to 30 April 2018.
The project “Globalization vs. Cultural Diversity” is a transnational initiative for young people that will focus on the complex issue of globalization and its consequences, as well as the benefits of cultural diversity for human cooperation regardless of race, religion, customs, etc. The program will involve fifty-seven (57) young people, aged 18-30, plus their group leader, from eight (8) different countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Spain, Poland and Turkey), who will spend one week together in Athens.
This project aims to offer young people the chance to explore together the complex and wide-reaching effects of globalization on cultural identity and diversity. In addition, a central objective of this activity is the establishment and strengthening of partnerships among civil society actors from different countries, in order to develop international initiatives for promoting intercultural respect and smooth cooperation, while safeguarding cultural heritage.
Through this program participants will be able to initiate a social dialogue about the ambivalent influence of globalization on cultural identity, i.e. how it helps local cultural elements be spread across the globe, while transforming them at the same time, and whether globalization unites cultures through assimilation and loss of diversity, or by enabling familiarization and respect for diversity. A distinct part of the program will be devoted to the exchange of ideas and good practices for the harmonious coexistence of European culture and the special culture of each participating country, as well as the exploration of ways and initiatives that can help preserving our cultural past and local cultural heritage in a globalized future.