As the Ronesans Institute Association, we participated in the HER Project held in Patras, Greece on May 15—22, with 3 participants, Eda Merve Öztürk, Özgür Yaşar Akyar, and I, Muhammet Turgut. We took part in each project with a total of 12 participants, including Turkey, Italy, Romania and Greece. As HRYO, FETICO, ASOCIATIA NOVAPOLIS and RONESANS INSTITUTE ASSOCIATION, the aim of this training was to create discussions on how migrant women can continue their lives as they did in their own country and to achieve results. In this Learning/Teaching/Training activity, which also focuses on entrepreneurship, discussions were made about what immigrant women can do about entrepreneurship and how they can use ICT tools. Discussions were made about the rights that can be given to immigrants, the main subject being women. Although the issue was a common immigration problem, the approaches and solutions of each country’s government and associations in that country were different from each other. With this event, associations exchanged information by sharing the solutions they produced in their own countries with each other. The main idea was to create employment for migrant women in their countries of residence. On the second day of the event, we discussed the issue of digital entrepreneurship. We focused on how to create their own web pages, how to digitally market the handmade products they can produce or the work they can do within their skills. On the third day of the event, we worked on establishing an online business model for our target group, migrant women. Associations participating in the event exchanged information with each other by producing solutions according to their own perspectives and experiences. And finally, a website was designed for immigrant women to use. An effective site name was found to make the website striking and attract the attention of the public. On the fourth day of the event, with the participation of our trainer, who is working as a public health inspector in Greece, the participating associations had the opportunity to get to know each other’s work better. The public health inspector, who participated as a trainer, also shared her own experiences in the field with the participants and gave information. On the last day of the event, information exchange between associations continued. It was focused on the studies that immigrants with limited resources can apply in their own lives. Discussions were held on the issues that immigrants in our own countries can do with the opportunities they have. We have completed the Patras part of HER project with the discussions, exchanges of information, and the designed plans. With the valuable experiences of the participating associations, we have carried out studies on immigrants that will make progress for each country. As Renaissance Institute Association, we would like to thank all the participants. I participated in the discussions in line with my knowledge while listening to the experiences of the other participants with the task I took as a volunteer participant in the event we attended. I can say that with this event, I developed in terms of vision and learned more about immigration issues. I would like to thank the Ronesans Institute for allowing me to take part in this beautiful event.