Liepaja’daki Eğitim Kursu İçin Katılımcı Çağrısı

Rönesans Enstitüsü Derneği’nin ortağı olduğu Youth Line tarafından organize edilen sosyal dahil etme konulu “Growing Up Tolerance, Destroying Exclusion” eğitim kursu projesi, 11-19 Haziran 2015 tarihleri arasında Letonya’nın Liepaja kentinde gerçekleşecektir.

Başvuru için:

Başvurularınız için son tarih: 28 Nisan 2015 saat 19.00

Katılımcı listesinin açıklanması: 29 Nisan 2015

Katılımınız için en önemli unsur, konuya olan ilginiz ve motivasyonunuzdur.

Sorularınız için e-posta yoluyla iletişim önceliğimizdir:

NOT: Yeşil pasaport sahibi olmak, projede katılımcı olmanız için size bir öncelik sağlamayacaktır.

– WHAT: International Erasmus+ (KA1) Training Course

– WHERE: Liepaja, Latvia

– WHEN: 11-19 June 2015

– FOR WHOM: 30 participants + 1 trainer + 1 facilitator + 3 support staff from 10 Programm countries : Latvia, Romania, Turkey, Italy, Czech Republic, Spain, Greece, Poland, Bulgaria and Malta.

– BY WHOM: Youth Line Association

1. Summary of the project.
TC will gather 30 participants + 1 trainer + 1 facilitator + 3 support staff from 10 Programm countries : Latvia, Romania, Turkey, Italy, Czech Republic, Spain, Greece, Poland, Bulgaria and Malta.

The main idea of this project is to make it easier for youth workers who act in the field of social exclusion to meet the needs of their target audience – youth.

The main aim of this TC is to develop and improve capacity and competences of youth workers in EU so they become able to propose youth better options to prevent or decrease exclusion. Moreover, we aim to stimulate the implementation of bigger amount of the youth projects with anti-discrimination themes.

The basic concepts which will be used during this TC: comparing exclusion with inclusion; discovering reasons and factors that cause social exclusion; active civil position against passive one; role of youth NGOs and local institutions; strategy for EU countries to build more inclusive society; stimulating new youth initiatives, ideas and projects.

This TC will be based on methods of non-formal educations and everything will be done to provide comfortable, interesting and effective working and leisure atmosphere.Every participant is supposed to be surrounded by young people from diverse cultures and nations, to get new knowledge, to improve his/her professional level as youth worker in the field of social exclusion, to learn about the features and opportunities of the Erasmus + program, and will be involved in other positive options.

2. Venue of the project.
The project will be implemented in the beautiful city on the seaside of the Baltic Sea – Liepaja, 220 km from Riga.
Here is the web-site of the hotel where we will host our great participants:

Posted in Announcements, News.

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