Looking for Participants for ”Baltic Way for Peace” TC Project

As Renaissance Institute we are looking for 2 participants for Training Course which is named Baltic Way for Peace.

TC ”Baltic Way for Peace” addresses importance of peace and friendship. Supports and underlines importance of youth in efforts of peace building. 8 day training course for youth workers and leaders ”Baltic Way for Peace” will take place in Liepāja region and Riga in Latvia, between 18-25 September 2014.

If you are youth worker or leader and if you are interested in this topic you can send an e-mail in order to ask infopack, participant application form and also be informed about travel & visa process no later than 25th July 2014: yildirim@renaissanceinstitute.eu


Financial Conditions:

Training Course is implemented with financial support from European Commission ERASMUS + Programme. Accomodotion, food and activities will be covered by the project budget.

Travel expenses will be covered up to 100% on the condition on that participant has used to cheapest means of transportation and submitted original invoices for plane tickets, boarding passes, train and bus tickets. Taxi and business class tickets will not be reimbursed.

35 € participation fee may be applied! Info about it will be announced later.


About the Project:

TC ”Baltic Way for Peace” highlights and explores the importance of peace building in modern society. By exploring various types and forms of non violent protest and conflict resolution methods, wide range of positive examples will be used. A documentary movie will be created about TC, to promote creativity in peace building activities afterwards. Main aim of this training course is to improve participants abilities and skills to work with groups and individuals in peace building and integration activities within their communities.

Project will bring together 29 youth workers, educators and leaders from 11 countries – Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Czech Republic, Spain, Serbia, Russian Federation, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey.

Training course is based on non formal education methods, embodied and experiential learning principles. Participants will be able to learn by doing, experiencing, feeling, transferring and reflecting the gained skills and expertise for themselves and in the group.

Participants will improve their skills and expertise. They will be encouraged to use more methods of experiential learning and embodied teaching methods. To share expertise, explore various forms of non violent protest forms. An open space for creation of new peace building ideas will be provided as well as for further cooperation, in non formal education.

Project will also address integration of other nationalities into local societies. Documentary movie ”Baltic Way for Peace” will be distributed after the project and available worldwide. It will outline importance of peace worldwide and lead to creation of intercultural understanding.

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