General Coordinator Hatice Yildirim, on behalf of Renaissance Institute, has been attending in practice based seminar supported by Swedish National Agency which has named “Girls who Do 2.0“, 4-8 May 2015, Malmö – Sweden.
This trilateral practice-based seminar was linking theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field of social entrepreneurship, social innovations and alternative business organizations models seen in a local context.
The project was taking place within the framework of the Transnational Co-operation Plan (TCA), which is one of the core elements of the European Strategy for Training in the Erasmus+, Youth in Action programme.
Program and information about the study visits
Study visit 1 : Yalla Trappan
The work integration social enterprise, Yalla Trappan, is located in the heart of Rosengård, Malmö. Since the start in 2010, the general aim of Yalla Trappan is to provide work for immigrant women who would otherwise have severe difficulties entering the labor market. Organized as a women’s cooperative, Yalla Trappan is built on democratic values such as participation, co-determination and solidarity. More information here:
Study visit 2: Centre for Public Entrepreneurship
Centre for Public Entrepreneurship is a resource for people and organizations that have a community development idea. We support social entrepreneurial initiatives in the whole county by offering mentoring and advice on financing, organization, social mobilization, communication and access to our sector network. In addition, we collaborate with, among others, Malmö University and Glocal Folkhögskolan to create and disseminate knowledge about social entrepreneurship. More information here:
Study visit 3: Furuboda Public High School
Furuboda Public High School has a vision of an inclusive society- for everyone. The school offers many types of different educational programs and courses for students with and without disabilities. More information here:
Study visit 4: Wallåkra stenkärlfabriken
Wallåkra Stoneware Factory is a small company with an unique story, it has its heritage in the northwest Skåne crafts era. The factory is beautifully located and it produces stone vessels, brown shiny pots and jars from local clay. More information here: