This call published by Association of Renaissance Institute for volunteers from Turkey who would like to take part in European Voluntary Service (EVS), a sub-programme of Erasmus+ of European Commision which allows to do volunteering in Yerevan, Armenia.
Starting date of the service: 01/04/2016
Ending date of the service: 01/10/ 2016
Total duration in months: 6 Months
Agree on the following:
Project title: Volunteering for Youth Voice
Granting National Agency: Turkish National Agency
Reference of the grant agreement: 2015-3-TR01-KA105-024381
Where: Yerevan, Armenia
Eligibility Criteria & Application
To apply this call, volunteers are required to prepare and send Europass CVs and motivation letters by indicating name of the Project and country (ex.Volunteering for Youth Voice, Armenia) applied in the subject line of the e-mail to, untill 31.01.2016.
Selection will be done by considering volunteers’ CV and motivation letter. In case of need, EVS Programme Manager and Assistants may contact to volunteer to have online or face-to-face interview.
Priority of Renaissance Institute to accept volunteers are:
– Basic knowledge in online media & content management systems,
– Basic skills of graphic design & web design,
– Basic skills of written and verbal communication in English,
– Willing to work in international level & helping young people.
About EVS
EVS is a “learning” service: throughout non-formal learning experiences the young volunteer improves and/or acquire competences for his/her personal, educational and professional development as well as for the social integration. EVS is implemented through activities organized in partnership between the involved project-promoters who are legally established structures that fit the criteria set by the “Erasmus + Youth” Programme Guide valid for the year in which the grant has been allocated.
An EVS activity includes the following phases:
– preparation
– voluntary activities, called “the service”
– follow-up activities
The volunteer carries out the service in a country other than his/her country of residence.
The activities are unpaid, non-profit making, full-time and without interruption.
The duration is set beforehand upon common agreement between the signing partners to a limited period (max. 12 months).
The activities serve the benefit of the local community.
The partners make sure that job-substitution is avoided.
About the Project
Volunteering for Youth Voice project idea came out during discussions in “Youth Voice : One Step Closer to Sustainability in Youth Work ” training course in order to support establishment of Youth Voice Network where participants were agreed.
As member of network we are in charge of providing human resource and ICT service. We plan to fulfill our responsiblity through out volunteers we sent by increasing partner organisation human capacity.
Volunteers will promote our relation with partner organisations in Albania, Spain and Armenia which will increase visibility of each partner organisations in the network platform.
The project will be held between 1st of April 2016-30th of September 2016 in Spain, Armenia and Albania in different 4 organisations. In each organisation will receive 2 volunteers and we will have chance to send totaly 8 volunteers abroad for voluntary service.
Volunteers will have chance to develop their personal and professional skills during their service.
Long term impact for partner organisations will be developing common quality and value in youth work which will led them to serve better for young people.
Furthermore, Network have mission to increase awareness and promote producing solutions about issues encountered by young people and NGOs. Volunteers are placed in the center of the projects will be a role model for other young people because of their service in different countries.
One of the issue of young people is visa requirement for Turkish young people will be highlighted in the network platform.
Link of ongoing work of the specisific issue can be found below.
Volunnteers who take part of the project will have chance to develop their personal, professional, educational skills which will help them to find better job in market. Therefore project is related with one of Erasmus + priority which is decreaseing youth unemployment.
About Sending & Coordinating Organisation “Association of Renaissance Institute”
Renaissance Institute is a youth & training organization which consist of professionals with rich experiences from non-governmental, project management, youth and education sectors. The Institution has two full time coordinators in the head office who manage office works, events and trainings. Furthermore we have programme managers who are responsible for carrying out 4 programmes in the frame of strategic plan. There are experts working as insource and outsource who are engaged in 4 programmes as trainers, youth workers and technicians.
The Institution’s activities are mostly dedicated to youth workers and organizations who work with young people. Renaissance Institute creates and run many national and transnational projects/events/activities collaborating with a wide spectrum of organizations: public bodies, universities, companies, foundations, associations and communities, as well as local, regional and national authorities. By cooperating with youth workers and organizations we try to give more chance to young people to get national and international connections and develop their competences in the globalized world to survive. Moreover, the Institution aims at contributing development of support systems for young people.
Our members are young people, we work for young people and we work with young people. We take actions to make the voice of the young people heard and let them make a move to explore and realize their potential.
Our aim is to provide high-quality youth services for young people and to build sustainable partnerships which will bring together the local and the universal.
3 of the programmes are designed for youth workers and institutions focusing on professional development and capacity building but there is a special one for young people: Youth Services Programme which especially focuses on empowerment of young people to find their voices and let them to move through exploring their potential. Within Youth Services Programme, experts are designing and running trainings, exchanges, short/long term internship mobility as well as short/long term volunteering mobility like European Voluntary Service.
Products & Services by Renaissance Institute:
• Trainings on Project Cycle Management, Entrepreneurship, Gender, Democracy, Participation, Social Inclusion, Human Rights.
• Social Projects on Stereotypes, Culture, Sports, Art, Gender, Democracy & Participation, Entrepreneurship & Employability.
• Seminars
• Partnership Building Activities
• Internships
• Researches
We places our EVS activities in the Youth Services Programme which aims to develop both personal and professional skills of young people. By sending EVS volunteers, we would like to develop their intercultural, communicational, personal competences where we also look for development of their professional skills. To do so, we divide our activities in to two groups: regular / weekly activities & irregular / ad hoc activities.
About Hosting Organization “Armenian Progressive Youth”
“Armenian progressive youth’’ NGO is based on the common interests of the individuals. The organization is a voluntary social union which isn’t aimed to satisfy religious, material and other demands. The principles of organization’s activity are legality, voluntary, equality of rights, self-governing, publicity. The objectives of organization are.
To inform youth about international conferences, seminars, educational perspectives and other events. To organize scientific meetings, round-tables, seminars and lectures on various issues. To implement environmental projects in Armenia. To promote and agitate sport and healthy life. To promote the development of blogosphere in Armenia. To organize and implement youth exchanges and educational programs.
APY has rich experience on the field of EVS. Being accredited on 2011, APY already implemented more than 30 Host activities and 100 sending activities.
Main topic of the field of APY EVS is Environment, anti-discrimination, Youth participation.
Profile of Volunteer
Volunteers will be chosen regardless of their ethnic group, religion, sexual orientation, political opinion, etc. No previous qualifications, educational level, specific experience or more than basic language knowledge is required.
We have not any specific age (according to program rules; age limit is between 17 and 30) and sex criteria in choosing volunteer. Previous experience of working with youngsters is beneficial. Most important criteria is motivation and interest in working with youngsters as well as if the candidate is a young person with fewer opportunities.
Curriculum Vitae and Motivation letter are obligatory for applying for the project. Other criteria: sociable, creative, various hobbies, willing to know another people and culture are useful.
Also we prepared volunteers application form what we’ll ask to fill for all the potential volunteers thus discover whether their and our needs fits together. This application form included previous background, skills, hobbies, motivation, interest, engagement, openness and the abilities to work and learn on one’s own account.
Travel cost is 275 euro for round trip.
Food and accommodation will be 100% covered by the project budget.
Visa cost will 100% covered by the project.
The pocket money which is 55 euro will be given every month (at the beginning).
One person will provide support on everything that has to do with the support of the service of volunteers. There will be a mentor with previous rich experiences.
Volunteers will work 6 hours per day in 5 days of a week. They will have two consecutive days off per week. They may need to take day(s) off in religious holidays (if any). Volunteer can take two days holiday for each month.
There will be language courses in Armenian.
Accommodation information hasn’t been shared yet by hosting organisation.